- Layout option – Padded layout.
- Now set page as a footer, So design footer using visual composer.
- Demo import options for all the 9 new demos, make sure to update iMedica core plugin to latest Version 3.0 as well.
- Option to make scroll to top button rounded.
- Option to set maximum height to sticky header.
- Style in team member element.
- Custom small footer options to add custom HTML, social links etc.
- Search style for search icon in menu, iMedica options -> Menu -> Search Layout.
- Option to set top and bottom margins for box layout.
- Added schema tags for blog posts, Good for SEO!
- Style options in testimonial element.
- Shiny updates and extension installed in Brainstorm Updater.
- Transparent header now works in mobile layout.
- Rename Splash area as Hero Section.
- Responsive font sizes in the team member element.
- Retina.js to latest version 1.3.0
- FontAwesome to latest version 4.4
- Smoothscroll to latest version 1.4.0
- Page options now work on blog page.
- Custom CSS and Google Fonts not working in page Hero Section.
- Accordion element animation not smooth.
- Equal top and bottom height in footer.
- Mailto and tel links to iMedica address widget.
- Mailchimp subscribe form CSS fixes for newer version.
- Carousel icons in arrow fixed.
- Default values not working in some VC elements.
- Many fixes for IE9.